Rokna:Iranian Ambassador to Baghdad said that waiving Iraqi visas for Iranian citizens is specific for air travel only.
Rokna:The latest figures released by the Iranian health officials on Monday said that the Covide-19 claimed as many as 182 lives across Iran since yesterday, while 20,829 new infections have been rep…
Rokna:The number of deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran surpassed 78,300 on Saturday.
Rokna:The number of daily deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran stood at 310 with the total death toll surpassed 77,500.
Rokna: The number of daily deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran stood at 286 with the total death toll surpassed 77,222.
Rokna: The number of daily deaths from the coronavirus pandemic in Iran stood at 388 with the total death toll surpassed 67,910 on Wed.
Rokna: The secretive state is said to be looking at ways to tackle the global pandemic - despite claiming it has had no infections