'Silent' Melania Trump savaged by ex-friend as having 'blood on her hands' after riot
Rokna: Stephanie Winston Wolkoff says in the op-ed that she is not shocked by Donald Trump inciting the hate mob who attacked the Capitol building in Washington DC, nor by her ex-friend Melania's silence over the domestic terror incident
A former friend of Melania Trump has launched a savage attack on the First Lady for her "silence" following the US Capitol riot that left five people dead.
Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has penned an op-ed titled 'There's Blood on Her Hands' for the Daily Beast, in which she says the First Lady must be held accountable for her actions.
She says: "I wish I could say I was shocked by President Trump's actions, but sadly I can not, or say I don’t comprehend Melania’s silence and inactions, but pathetically, they are both expected.
"Melania is simply an extension of her husband, just as hypocritical, speaking out of both sides of her mouth, when it suits her best.
"They will depart the White House, with no regrets, leaving dead bodies behind, and driving off to Mar-a-Lago without looking back."
Winston Wolkoff is the former best friend of Melania and said she "gave up everything" to work as an unpaid aide for her in February 2018 before her removal.
She recently published a book, Melania and Me: The Rise and Fall of My Friendship with the First Lady, in which she provides a detailed account of her association with the First Lady.
Winston Wolkoff admits in the book that she made secret recordings of Melania criticising her husband Donald Trump, and his daughter Ivanka, as well as other controversial issues such as not offering support to the policy of caging immigrant children.
In her opinion piece, she said Melania has "no sympathy or remorse," which she believes explains why she has not made any a statement about the Capitol riots so far.
She wrote: "Also, at this moment, when children are asking their parents why people destroyed our Capitol, what will be her answer?
"Will she continue the lies that it was antifa? Or will she tell the truth, which is, Trump lit the match that sparked the rioting and decimation. He, his children, and personal lawyer incited violence and told people to riot."
Referencing her new book about their friendship, Winston Wolkoff accuses Melania of manipulating her image to create a fairytale narrative around her rise.
She continues: "Throughout the years, Melania controlled her image, created her fairytale narrative, and remained an enigma, which enabled her to play make believe.
"I felt it my civic duty to stop protecting her and to unearth the “most mysterious First Lady,” the world has ever known.
"By sharing my history with her, I unmasked her true identity and revealed an unvarnished portrait of a woman whose veneer I’ve stripped off, leaving nothing but an “unapologetically, skin-deep” woman.
"Only they could flick aside having their lives ripped open and all their regretful, hateful, humiliating moments splayed out for the world to see and judge. Melania and Donald are a perfect match."
Melania has previously dismissed the claims and branded her ex-friend "dishonest" in an essay.
She wrote: "This is a woman who secretly recorded our phone calls, releasing portions from me that were out of context, then wrote a book of idle gossip trying to distort my character."Follow the Official Rokna NEWS Telegram Channel For More and fresh NEWS.
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